Your Lie In April is a Japanese romantic-drama manga series. The story of the series follows a young pianist named Kousei Arima who loses the ability to hear the piano after his mother’s death and his experiences after he meets violinist Kaori Miyazono. Here are the best quotes from the Your Lie in April series that will blow your mind-
Best Your Lie In April Quotes
1. Maybe there’s only a dark road up ahead. But you still have to believe and keep going. Believe that the stars will light your path, even a little bit. ~Kaori Miyazono
2. Isn’t it funny how the most unforgettable scenes can be so trivial? ~Kousei Arima
3. This silence belongs to us… and every single person out there is waiting for us to fill it with something. ~Kousei Arima
4. Setbacks are inevitable to superstars. Adversity is what separates the good from the great. After all, stars can only shine during the night. ~Watari Ryota
5. We’re all connected. Just like the notes are intermittently connected. It’s shared by us all. Through music, with the people you know, with the people you don’t know, with all the people in this world. ~Hiroko Seto
6. Music is freedom. ~Kaori Miyazono
7. Defiance toward parents is an establishment of one’s self; it’s a sign of independence. ~Hiroko Seto
8. The piano is meant to be played like you’re embracing it, right? ~Kousei Arima
9. So ephemeral and weak. But it’s shining with all its might. Thump, Thump, like a heartbeat. This is the light of life. ~Kaori Miyazono
10. Whether you’re sad, you’re a mess, or you’ve hit rock bottom, you still have TO PLAY! That’s how people like us survive. ~Kaori Miyazono
11. Music speaks louder than words. ~Kousei Arima
12. You exist inside a spring that can’t be replaced. ~Kousei Arima
13. That moment, when my music reached them… there’s no way I could ever forget that. Because I’m a musician, just like you. ~Kousei Arima
14. Setbacks come with the territory of becoming a superstar. ~Kousei Arima
15. After struggling, losing my way, and suffering… the answer I arrived at was so laughably simple… ~Kousei Arima
These were the best quotes from the Your Lie in April series. Hope you liked this series and make sure to share it with die-hard fans of anime.
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