Spirited Away is a Japanese animated movie. The film is based on Chihiro who enters the world of Kami (spirits) while moving to the neighborhood. It is one of the highest-rated IMDB movies with a score of 8.6. This movie is also regarded as one of the best animated movies. Here are the best quotes from the Spirited Away movie for a dose of inspiration-
Best Spirited Away Quotes
1. Once you’ve met someone you never really forget them. It just takes a while for your memories to return. ~Zeniba
2. Something you wouldn’t recognize. It’s called love. ~Kamaji
3. Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember. ~Zeniba
4. Finish what you start. ~Kamaji
5. I’m not leaving until you give me a job! ~Chihiro
6. I think I can handle it. ~Chihiro
Heart-Touching Dialogues From Spirited Away Movie
7. A human! You’re in trouble! You’re the one everyone’s been looking for! ~Lin
8. I finally get a bouquet, and it’s a goodbye present. That’s depressing. ~Chihiro
9. If you completely forget your name, you’ll never find your way home. I’ve tried everything to remember mine. ~Haku
10. Staying in this room is what will make you sick! ~Chihiro
11. Now go, and don’t look back. ~Haku
12. It’s just a bad dream! Wake up, wake up. ~Chihiro
13. That’s how Yubaba controls you… by stealing your name. ~Haku.
14. You humans always make a mess of things. Like your parents who gobbled up the food of the spirits like pigs. They got what they deserved. ~Yubaba.
15. We’re identical twins and exact opposites. ~Zeniba
16. Play with me or I’ll break your arm. ~Boh
17. No! Don’t leave me, I don’t want to be alone! ~Chihiro
Beautiful Sayings From Spirited Away
18. Don’t talk to me, and address me as Master Haku. ~Haku
19. There. Your body matches your brain. ~Zeniba
20. I was saving this for my parents, but I think you’d better have it. ~Chihiro
21. The protective seal on my gold charm is gone!” -Zeniba
22. I remember you falling into my river, and I remember your little pink shoe. ~Haku
23. This is a high-class place I’m running here!” -Yubaba
24. Tear up Sen’s contract. And then, I want you to return Sen and her mother and father back to the human world. ~Haku
25. You still haven’t noticed that something precious to you has been replaced. ~Haku
The Bottom Line
These are the best quotes from the Spirited Away movie. This movie is worth watching and a mind-blowing movie. and we hope that you liked this article and make sure to share it with your friends.
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