Shrek is an American animated film series. It is regarded as one of the iconic animated film series. The story of the film series is focused on Shrek who is a bad-tempered but good-hearted ogre who accepts a quest to rescue the princess. The film series is full of adventure-based stories. Here are the best quotes from the Shrek movies which will blow your mind-
Best Shrek Movies Quotes
1. Wow, only a true friend would be that truly honest. ~Donkey
2. You know, Donkey, sometimes things are more than they appear. ~Shrek
3. You know what the best part of today was? I got the chance to fall in love with you all over again. ~Shrek
4. After a while, you learn to ignore the names people call you and just trust who you are. ~Shrek
5. Donkey, you have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity. ~Shrek
6. Because that’s what friends do, they forgive each other. ~Donkey
7. But this isn’t right. You’re meant to charge in, sword drawn, banner flying—that’s what all the other knights did. ~Princess Fiona
8. The Princess will be up the stairs in the highest room in the tallest tower. ~Shrek
9. It’s On My To-Do List! ~Shrek
10. The stars don’t tell the future. They tell stories. ~Shrek
11. It’s not supposed to be an ogre! ~Princess Fiona
12. I’ll stick with you! ~Donkey
13. I’m not the monster here. You are. You and the rest of that fairy tale trash, poisoning my perfect world. Now, tell me! Where are the others?! ~Lord Farquaad
14. There’s a stack of freshly made waffles in the middle of the forest! Don’t you find that a wee bit suspicious? ~Shrek
15. Blue flowers, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Man, this would be so much easier if I wasn’t colorblind. ~Donkey
These are the best quotes from the Shrek movies. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with your friends who are die-hard fans of Shrek movies.
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