Pinky and The Brain is a popular American cartoon animated series by Warner Bros. The series is centered on two lab mice Brain who is a genius mouse and Pinky who is deemed insane. Here are the best quotes and sayings from the Pinky and the Brain series for a dose of motivation-
Best Pinky and the Brain Series Quotes
1. The workings of your mind are a mystery to me Pinky. ~Brain
2. Rise and shine, people of Earth. I am your new sun. ~Brain
3. The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world! ~Brain
4. You are going to be a help this time. ~Pinky
5. Don’t worry Brain, two simple words that will make it all better. Hakuna Matata. ~Brain
6. If we attached a tube to the vacuum that is your head, we could clean the whole city. ~Brain
7. We’re going to a place where the sun never sets, the size of your wallet matters, and actors and actresses slave all day. ~Brain
8. There are some days where I think I’d be better off with a pliant corn dog as my sidekick. ~Brain
9. There’s only one ride that interests me – the incredible thrill ride of taking over the world! ~Brain
10. I feel the need. I feel the need for expeditious velocity. ~Brain
11. My life is like somebody who gets the pocket fisherman and then loses the pocket fish! ~Saltana
12. Wuh, I think so, Brain, but if we didn’t have ears, we’d look like weasels. ~Pinky
13. I derive my greatest pleasure from making Brain squirt milk out of his nose! ~Pinky
14. Your associative powers belie your small cranium, my friend. ~The Brain
15. Do not mock a love-smitten mouse. ~The Brain
These were the best quotes from the Pinky And The Brain series. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with your friends.
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