Ozark is an American crime drama television series streaming on Netflix. The story of the series is based on money laundering by a married couple Marty and Wendy Byrde. It is one of the top-rated series with an IMDb rating of 8.4/10. Here are the best mind-blowing quotes and dialogues from the Ozark series which will give you a dose of motivation-
Best Ozark Series Quotes
1. A man who only talks business is a failure in all aspects of life. ~Camino Del Rio
2. Money is not peace of mind. Money is not happiness. Money is, at its essence, that measure of a man’s choices. ~Marty Byrde
3. Ill humor in the morning brings about a darkened day. ~Jacob Snell
4. Too much talk and words lose their meaning. ~Jacob Snell
5. Hypothetically, scale of one to ten, how difficult would it be for someone to disappear? ~Marty Byrde
6. Evil comes when the righteous path is so hidden, it just looks like there’s only one way out. ~Wendy Byrde
7. The best smack talk? No talk at all. ~Camino Del Rio
8. Man cannot tame what God wishes to be wild. ~Jacob Snell
9. Some people only respond to a certain kind of pressure. ~Jacob Snell
10. There’s pain that uses you, and there’s pain that you use. ~Darlene Snell
11. All of life is a simple business arrangement. ~Jacob Snell
12. People deserve a second chance, just like businesses. ~Marty Byrde
13. Never underestimate the power of somebody moving out, however briefly. ~Helen Pierce
14. Most people just have a fundamentally flawed view of money. ~Marty Byrde
15. It’s so hard doing business when you can’t trust anyone. ~Marty Byrde
16. If you know you have a future, there’s no reason to blow up anything in the present. ~Wendy Byrde
17. Broken promises got consequences. ~Darlene Snell
18. Your greatest threat will always come from the inside. Never forget that. ~Omar Navarro
19. Nobody wants messy where their money is concerned. ~Helen Pierce
20. No man can serve two masters. ~Darlene Snell
These were the best quotes from the Ozark series. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with die-hard fans of this series.
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