Haikyuu is a Japanese manga seires. It is one of the top-rated anime series of Japan. This anime series is based on a boy named Shoyo Hinata who is determined to become one of the greatest volleyball players despite his small stature. This series teaches us some valuable lessons about hard work, teamwork, and following your dreams. Here are the best quotes from the Haikyuu series which will help you to achieve your dreams-
Best Haikyuu Quotes
1. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~Shoyo Hinata.
2. Do you need a reason to not want to lose? ~Shoyo Hinata.
3. Being the best decoy ever is as cool as being the ace. ~Tobio Kageyama.
4. You can fly even higher. ~Tobio Kageyama.
5. If they adjust to me, I have to adjust in turn. Whoever stops adjusting won’t be able to continue forward. ~Tobio Kageyama
6. The last ones standing are the victors. Only the strongest. If you want to be the last one standing, become strong. ~Tobio Kageyama.
7. Life’s a bore if you don’t challenge yourself. ~Yuu Nishinoya.
8. There are some flowers you only see when you take detours. ~Tanaka Saeko.
9. Being weak means that there is room to grow. ~Ittetsu Takeda.
10. Today might be the chance to grasp the chance to let your talent bloom. ~Tooru Oikawa
11. If you’re gonna hit it, hit it until it breaks! ~Tooru Oikawa
12. There’s no match that you can’t win, and there’s no match that you’ll win for sure. ~Ikkei Ukai
13. When you have a brilliant ace, their very existence is a brilliant decoy. ~Kenjiro Shirabu
14. Bigger will always be stronger. That is nature’s logic. ~Tanji Washijo
15. It’s no fun if you don’t try other options once you know they exist. `Yu Nishinoya
16. He who climbs the ladder must begin at the bottom. ~Ittetsu Takeda
17. If you think that it will never come, it probably never will. ~Tooru Oikawa
18. Talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish. ~Tooru Oikawa
19. We’ll never win if we don’t believe we can. ~Daichi Sawamura
20. Humans have no wings, so they search for a way to fly. ~Keishin Ukai
21. Luck? No way. You’re only an ace if you’re able to create miracles. ~Tsutomu Goshiki
22. When colors mix they become muddy and messy. But when they all blend together, the final result is the color that wins against all others… Black! ~Ittetsu Takeda
23. You should know better than anyone that you’ve failed the moment you lose your cool. ~Daichi Sawamura
24. No encouragement, just the truth. No more words are needed from the great ace to the other ace. ~Reon Ohira
25. Motivation? What more do you need than pride! ~Tadashi Yamaguchi
These were the best quotes from the Haikyuu series. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with die-hard fans of the anime series.
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