Ghost Doctor is a South Korean television series. This series revolves around two doctors from extreme backgrounds and skills of merging into one person. These two doctors have very different personalities and medical skills. The IMDb rating of the series is 8.1/10. Here are the best quotes from the Ghost Doctor which will give you a dose of motivation-
Best Ghost Doctor Series Quotes
1. There is no great genius without some touch of madness. ~Aristoteles
2. A doctor’s not a service provider of emotions. It’s a technical job where visible skills are important. ~Cha Young Min
3. If you can’t trust your mind, talk to a psychiatrist. ~Kim Jae Won
4. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The five stages of grief. ~Hwang Guk Chan
5. Don’t make a promise you can’t keep. ~Chairman Jang Kwang Deok
6. It doesn’t matter where the gun came from. What matters is who pulled the trigger. ~Han Seung Won
7. Once the body dies, so does the soul. That is the order of the universe and the order of nature. ~Tess
8. It’s better to be a hidden genius than a useless moron. ~Go Seung Tak
9. Such is life. Nothing goes quite as planned. ~Han Seung Won
10. Everyone has a story they bury in their hearts. ~Tess
11. It takes experience and on-the-job training to be a doctor. Some hardcore training doesn’t get you anywhere. ~Kim Jae Won
12. A doctor can wait for a patient, but a patient never waits for a doctor. ~Go Seung Tak
13. The more desperate you become, the sadder and more disappointed you become. ~Tess
14. A person can make mistakes. ~Cha Young Min
15. Spreading false news is a crime these days. ~Tess
These were the best quotes from the Ghost Doctor series. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with die-hard fans of Kdramas.
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