Fruits Basket is a Japanese manga series also called Furuba or Fruba. The main character of this series is Tohru Honda who after meeting Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Sohma learn about thirteen members of the Shoma family who are possessed by the animals of the Chinese Zodiac and are cursed to turn into their animal form when they are weak and stressed. Here are the best quotes from the Fruits Basket series for a dose of motivation-
Best Fruits Basket Quotes
1. The scariest and the most painful thing is to be hated by someone you truly love. ~Tohru Honda
2. My happiness comes from the kindness of those around me. ~Tohru Honda
3. A conscience grows, just like the body. It’s bred within your heart. That’s why the shape of people’s kindness is so different. ~Tohru Honda
4. Sometimes living can be hard! But it’s only because we’re alive that we can make each other laugh, cry, and be happy! ~Tohru Honda
5. As long as you live things will keep happening! As long as you’re alive wishes will keep being made! ~Tohru Honda
6. There are things that take a long time to acquire. Friends. Love. Really, nothing has been a waste. ~Megumi Hanajima
7. If you love someone, they could make you sad. They could even make you feel lonely sometimes. But, that someone can also make you happier than you’ll ever be. ~Kyo Sohma
8. I don’t think anyone is born with a reason to live. It’s something you have to find for yourself. ~Tohru Honda.
9. You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You’ll get there. Just be yourself, you’ll be fine. ~Kyoko Honda.
10. Being away from everyone else may be lonely, but being away from you will be even lonelier. ~Tohru Honda
11. Like my motto says – ‘Never give up no matter what life throws your way! ~Tohru Honda.
12. It’s not always easy to see the good in people. In some people, you might even doubt that it’s there at all. But if you can somehow, find a way to believe…sometimes that’s all it takes to help someone, to give them the strength to find the good in themselves. ~Tohru Honda
These were the best quotes from the Fruits Basket series. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with die-hard fans of anime.
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