Ergo Proxy is a renowned anime series. The series was released in the year 2006. It showcases a mind-blowing story where the humans and androids known as AutoReivs co-exist together. Let us check out the best quotes from the Ergo Proxy anime that will blow your mind…
Best Ergo Proxy Quotes
- The only thing waiting for you outside is a world of death. ~Re-L Mayer
- All those who wander in the darkness seek the light, but when they reach the light, they turn away their eyes from the blinding glare. ~Kazkis Hauer
- We are the sum of our memories. Erasing the memories edged in oneself is the same as loosing oneself. ~Ergo Proxy
- A lie is truth, until you recognize it as a lie. To see the truth behind those lies is probably the right thing to do. However, it may not necessarily bring happiness. Lies are Happiness. ~Hoody
- The world is not beautiful, therefore it is. ~Vincent Law
- I am Ergo Proxy. The agent of death. ~Ergo Proxy
- Who cares if you’re not real? Even if this world is a lie, the memories and experiences carved into us are real. Both joy and sadness. ~Re-l Mayer
- All that you feel is cold. All that you touch feels nothing. The world you used to know is no more. Is this what it means to be alone? ~Re-l Mayer
- Humans really are terrible creatures. I see that now. But the funny thing is, I forgive them. ~Daedalus Yumeno
- For some, happiness is an illusion. For others, it’s something to dream of. For me, it’s a reality that I’ve lost sight of. ~Vincent Law
- The best way to remove your lies is to make them come true. ~Proxy One
- You told me once to forget the past, because it doesn’t matter. But you’re the one still tied to the past, Spike. ~Raul Creed
- Why do humans always look to the sky? Why do you try so hard to fly when you don’t have any wings? We’ll run on our own legs. ~Kazkis Proxy
These were the best quotes from Ergo Proxy. Hope you enjoyed these quotes and share them with your friends.
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