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Home » Top 12 Inspirational Quotes From The Dumbo Movie

Top 12 Inspirational Quotes From The Dumbo Movie

dumbo quotes

Dumbo is a Disney Animated movie. It is based on an Elephant named Dumbo who has big ears and is capable to fly. The movie is full of inspiration and filled with life lessons. Here are the best quotes from the Dumbo movie that will change your life-

Dumbo Movie Quotes

1. Dumbo! The ninth wonder of the universe! The world’s only flying elephant! ~Timothy Q. Mouse

2. Cast your doubts aside and fly. ~Dumbo

3. Don’t just fly, soar! ~Dumbodumbo lines

4. Embrace what makes you different. ~Timothy Q. Mouse

5. The very things that held you down are gonna carry you up and up and up. ~Timothy Q. Mouse

6. You have something very rare. You have wonder. You have mystique. You have magic. ~V. A. Vandevere

7. You’re standing on the threshold of success. Don’t look down, it’ll make you dizzy. ~Timothy Q. Mouse

8. A mother’s love is the ultimate comfort. ~Narratordumbo sayings

9. Your children don’t need you to be perfect. They just need you to believe in them. ~Colette Marchant

10. Some days deserve an extra dose of cute. ~Dumbodumbo dialogues

11. Friends, young and old, you have a home at our circus, where anything is possible and miracles happen. Believe me, they do. ~Max Medici

12. Rest your head close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine. ~Mrs. Dumbo


These were the best quotes from the Dumbo movie. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with your friends.

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