Daria is an American adult animated sitcom series. It is a show based on teenage life. The story of the show is based on teenage girl Daria and her friend Jane about their honest thoughts on life. Here are the best quotes from the Daria series to blow your mind-
Best Daria Quotes
1. Is there any time when how you look doesn’t affect how you’re judged? ~Daria Morgendorffer
2. I prefer to be alone to understand my feelings. ~Daria Morgendorffer
3. Let’s talk strategy. I don’t wanna arrive without a plan. ~Jane Lane
4. I’m not sure that I want an identity based on appearance. ~Daria Morgendorffer
5. I am too smart and sensitive to live in a world like ours. ~Daria Morgendorffer
6. Why settle for vanity when you can have pure egotism? ~Jane Lane
7. Sometimes your shallowness is so thorough, it’s almost like depth. ~Daria Morgendorffer
8. They shouldn’t be selling stuff to people under the guise of educating them. ~Daria Morgendorffer
9. I’ve been very busy procrastinating all day. ~Daria Morgendorffer
10. Sometimes it amazes me how stupid people can be. ~Daria Morgendorffer
11. I’m succeeding at failing! ~Jane Lane
12. Have you ever heard the expression ‘Get the hell away from me?’ ~Daria Morgendorffer
13. My goal is not to wake up at 40 with the bitter realization that I’ve wasted my life on a job I hated because I was forced to decide on a career in my teens. ~Daria Morgendorffer
14. I don’t have low self-esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else. ~Daria Morgendorffer
15. My biggest fear right now is that I’ll wake up, and this conversation won’t be a dream. ~Daria Morgendorffer
These were the best quotes from the Daria show. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with your friends.
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