Banana Fish is a Japanese Manga series. The series highlights the relationship between Ash Lynx, a teenage gang leader in New York City, and Eiji Okumura, a Japanese photographer assistant. It is one of the mind-blowing series revolving around solving the mystery of a drug called ‘Banana Fish‘. Here are the best quotes from the Banana Fish series to blow your mind-
Best Banana Fish Quotes
1. Innocence can be more dangerous than guns sometimes. ~Max Lobo
2. War is always good business for those in power. ~Ash Lynx
3. If I’m going to die anyway, at least I’ll die trying! ~Eiji Okumura
4. If there really are such things as devils, they’d probably look like you. ~Max Lobo
5. Humans can change their destiny. They have wisdom leopards don’t. Besides, you’re not a leopard. ~Eiji Okumura
6. Water-gate is history, Max. Don’t tell me you still believe the pen is mightier than the sword. ~Ash Lynx
7. Logic’s got nothing to do with it! Strength is all that counts! That’s how it works on the street! What the hell do you know? ~Ash Lynx
8. Time is an ironic thing. For us, it means to age. But for boys like him, it means to grow. ~Sergei Varishikov
9. I am very worried because I haven’t seen you, and I don’t know if you are okay. ~Eiji Okumura
Love Quotes From Banana Fish Anime
10. My words might not mean anything now, but just remember one thing—even if the world turns on you, I’ll always be on your side. ~Eiji Okumura
11. That guy always regarded me as a human being with a real heart, not some sort of tool. ~Ash Lynx
12. If you feel responsible, the same goes for me. ~Eiji Okumura
13. You want people to protect you, like with Ash, or make them want to tear you apart and crush you. ~Yut-Lung
14. Look, sun’s setting. Sunrise and sunset are about the only times this junkyard of a city looks good. ~Ash Lynx
15. A bloody history is inevitable when you are the ruling clan. ~Yut-Lung
16. If we don’t fight back now, we’ll forever be expendable tools. ~Sing Soo-Ling
Captions & Dialogues From The Banana Fish Anime
17. No need to glare. I won’t eat you up. ~Yut-Lung
18. If the former boss gets hit, then it’s the duty of the new boss to make the drop. ~Sing Soo-Ling
19. That’s right, death. You said I am not like ordinary people. If there was just one thing I’d say that was true about. It is—I’m not afraid of death. ~Ash Lynx
20. You are not alone, Ash. I am with you. My soul is always with you. ~Eiji Okumura
21. I think I wanted to protect you from your future because your fate was sweeping you away like a flood. ~Eiji Okumura
22. If I ever lose you too, I’ll go crazy. ~Eiji Okumura
23. Let’s say I am exceptional, right? The problem is, I never, ever, my whole life, wanted to be! ~Ash Lynx
24. Stay with me. I won’t ask forever. Just for now, Eiji. ~Ash Lynx
25. Depending on your answer, I may not forgive you. ~Yut-Lung
The Bottom Line
These were the best quotes from the Banana Fish series. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with die-hard anime fans.
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