Arrow is an American superhero series based on DC Comics. It follows up the story of Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) who is a billionaire and fights against crime and corruption with his team. It is one of the popular superheroes series. Here are the best quotes from the Arrow series which will give you a dose of motivation-
Best Arrow Series Quotes
1. You have no idea how powerful the truth can be. ~Oliver Queen
2. Love is the most powerful emotion, and that makes it the most dangerous. ~Sara Lance
3. Being happy doesn’t mean you don’t have issues. It just means that you’re working on them. ~Oliver Queen
4. To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable. ~Sara Lance
5. There’s two types of every legacy, two versions of what we leave behind. There’s the good and then the bad. ~Thea Queen
6. Secrets have weight. The more you keep, the harder it is to keep moving. ~John Diggle
7. The only thing that hurts worse than an arrow going in is an arrow coming out! ~Arrow
8. The experience of helping others is its own reward. ~Sara Lance
9. The line between grief and guilt is a thin one. Sometimes death is preferable to the agony of life. ~Tatsu Yamashiro
10. Trust is an orchid, beautiful but delicate, requiring ideal conditions in order to thrive. Without those conditions, it dies. ~Damien Darhk
11. Sometimes it’s people closest to us who lie to us best. ~Laurel Lance
12. When you are in charge, everything that your team does is on you. ~Oliver Queen
13. War does not know family bonds nor friendly sentiments. ~Nyssa al Ghul
14. The best partnerships are built on forgiveness. ~John Diggle
15. Sometimes a lie isn’t wrong if it’s for the good of someone that you love. ~Oliver Queen
These were the best quotes from the Arrow series. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with your friends.
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