Akame Ga Kill is one of the mind-bending anime series that one can binge-watch. It follows the story of a countryside boy named Tatsumi who undertakes the journey to the Capital to make his name and meets a dangerous group of assassins called Night Raid. Here are the best mind-bending quotes from the Akame Ga Kill anime series…
Best Akame Ga Kill Quotes
- If you begin with overconfidence and arrogance, you’ll die. ~Akame
If you can’t find a reason to fight, then you shouldn’t be fighting. ~Akame
The reason doesn’t matter. As long as a tiny bit of hope exists, that’s all that matters. ~Tatsumi
Everyone has their own reasons to fight! Sometimes, you have to settle it yourself or there’s no way forward! ~Tatsumi
The weak are destined to lie beneath the boots of the strong. If that angers you, overcome your deficits. ~Esdeath
Panicking leads to an early grave. ~Esdeath
Wrong or not, I’ll follow my own path! ~Mine
The hot blood that flows through my body… is not something that can be suppressed by other people! ~Bulat
You won’t survive if you just let your boiling blood dictate your actions. ~Bulat
There is no way to train your heart to be invulnerable. ~Lubbock
No matter how many good deeds you perform, your past sins cannot be erased. ~Sheele
To kill the one you love… If someone else will do it anyway, I’d rather do it myself. ~Kurome
These were the best quotes from the Akame Ga Kill Anime series. Hope you enjoyed these quotes and are worth sharing with your friends.
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